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Certificate in Photography

Have the competitive advantage over other applicants in your field; get a certificate in PHOTOGRAPHY. Every profession, whether it’s in business, the sciences, or real estate has a need for quality photography.

With the certificate in Photography you’ll be able to produce photographic images for a variety of applications including industrial, medical, product display, architecture, portrait, food and fashion modeling. You’ll learn software to edit and enhance photographic images for a variety of media including magazines, newspapers, brochures, television, and the internet.

Required Courses for the Certificate:
PHO 4 Color Photography Has prerequisite(s) 3
PHO 8 Commercial Photography Has prerequisite(s) 3

Contact Information

General Questions:
Jolie Cole-Barrett
(530) 893-7640

Faculty or Class Questions:
Michelle Davis or Jennifer Daly
(530) 895-2404

Daniel Donnelly
(530) 895-2880

Content editor:
Michelle Davis